Weather in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Wondering what the weather’s like in Buenos Aires? Well I lived there for 3 years and coming up I’ll tell you everything you need to know!

Be sure to read until the end where I’ll tell you which month is the best to visit Buenos Aires! 

The first thing we need to talk about is that Argentina is located in the Southern Hemisphere. You probably already know that, but in case you didn’t, that means that the seasons are opposite if you live in the Northern Hemisphere (USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, etc.). 

So I’m living in the USA right now and we are in summer, which means Argentina is currently in winter. 

In general, the weather in Buenos Aires is really nice. You won’t find any severe weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes or earthquakes. I also enjoyed that Buenos Aires has very distinct seasons each year. Sometimes in Texas it seems like the seasons can blend together. 


Now let’s talk about each season and their pros and cons!


Spring is gorgeous in Buenos Aires. While I think all seasons are nice in Buenos Aires, springtime is definitely the best. Not only are the temperatures lovely, but the city really comes alive in the spring. Porteños are tired of staying in their apartments all winter long and as soon as the weather starts to warm they come out to enjoy the parks with family and friends. Sidewalks will also fill up with restaurant tables and chairs so patrons can enjoy their meal alfresco. 

In the springtime it’s very comfortable to be outside for long amounts of time. The high is normally around 65-75F (18-24C). The low is anywhere from 57-63F (14-17C). 

My other favorite thing about springtime is the trees and flowers begin blooming around the city. Not only do the people in the city start to come alive again, so does nature. 


While I enjoyed the summer temps (I’m a summer girl at heart) most people living in Buenos Aires did NOT. Buenos Aires actually emptied out in January, the hottest month of the year. The average temps are around highs of 80-90F (27-32C)  and lows in the high 70’s (26C) at night. 


In January, most Porteños would escape for their summer break to the cooler temps of Bariloche or Mar del Plata. Many people don’t like the Buneos Aires summers but coming from Houston, Texas I thought the summers were pleasant. 

Personally, I enjoyed when the city was more empty and tried to stay in Buenos Aires during the quieter summer months. People leaving the city for summer break meant less traffic noise and less people on the sidewalks! 

Summertime is also the busy tourist season since South Americans are on summer break. From December - February you’ll see lots of tourists from other regions of Argentina as well as South America.

Buenos Aires is also a good escape for people in North America and Europe when they’re seeking relief from their cold winters.

But if you come to Buenos Aires in the summer, be prepared for a little phenomena Andrew and I like to call “AC’d”.

This is when you’re walking along the Buenos Aires sidewalks and suddenly droplets of water fall on you. You may think someone above was watering their plants or maybe it’s about to rain. But, it’s more likely that the apartment AC units above you are running so hard in the summertime that the runoff leaks pretty regularly. 

This was a fun inside joke Andrew and I had whenever we had water fall on us..we would say, “You got AC’d”!


Fall feels like a much needed reprieve after the hot Buenos Aires’ summers. You can spend more time at the parks, take longer neighborhood walks on Sundays and dine alfresco again. And maybe most importantly in Buenos Aires, some of the largest soccer matches are held in the fall.  

Average temps typically range from 58-70F (14-21C). While everyone enjoys the milder fall temperatures, the weather does have a wide range from April - June. You never quite know what to expect.

Checking my weather phone app each morning was required before leaving the apartment. If you’re planning on visiting in the fall, be sure to pack shorts and a winter coat! 



Winters in Buenos Aires can get a little dreary but I think most winters around the world are like this. On a regular basis, there would be several days or weeks where the sun would rarely shine. I would definitely start to yearn for and look forward to spring in late September.

Portenos tended to not go out much in the winter. If you visit in the winter, don’t expect to see much dining outside or people relaxing at the parks. 

July in particular is a very rainy & cold month in Buenos Aires. It seemed like the month with the most rain (although I have no data to back that up!). In general, July weather in Buenos Aires is not very pleasant.

Of course the temperatures vary but I would say an average daytime temp would be 52F (11C) and mid 40’s (6C) overnight. But the wind makes it feel much colder...

Speaking of the wind…

They Don’t Call It Buenos Aires for Nothing! 

And finally, we can’t possibly talk about Buenos Aires weather without talking about the wind!! 

You guys, the wind is out of control in Buenos Aires. You probably already know that Buenos Aires means “good air” in english. The early settlers named the city that because the wind was perfect for sailing. And still today sailing is a big pastime in Buenos Aires. If you look out at the river on any sunny Saturday or Sunday you will see dozens if not hundreds of small sailboats taking advantage of the wind. 

I have never felt so much wind on a regular basis in my life before moving to Buenos Aires. It would whip down the street and sometimes you had to brace yourself! It was crazy windy during all the seasons but the worst of it was during winter, which made it feel colder than the actual temperature.

So if you’re planning to move to Buenos Aires, make sure you purchase a good wind-resistant winter coat!


The silver lining of all that wind is that it helps tremendously with humidity. You would assume that being a coastal city the humidity would be terrible but to me it wasn’t bad at all. And it was not near as bad as the humidity in Houston. 

When Should You Visit Buenos Aires?

While Buenos Aires has pretty calm weather all year long, I believe there is one month to avoid - July. It pains me to say this because July is my birthday month! But July is the coldest month and it’s also very rainy and overcast all month long. Not good for touring the city!

The best time to visit Buenos Aires is in the spring - specifically late October to early November. By then, most of the cold has gone but it’s still not too hot. And if you start to get warm while touring the city, it’s easy enough to cool off on a shaded park bench or cafe.

And you’re just outside of the high tourist season so you’ll avoid the large tourist crowds. The best weather Buenos Aires has to offer and less crowds means you’ll really be able to take in everything Buenos Aires has to offer! 

Have any specific questions about the weather in Buenos Aires? Ask me below in the comments!

Ready to go to Buenos Aires? Then be sure to download my Buenos Aires Activity Checklist with 50+ things you have to do while in Buenos Aires. 

More Life in Buenos Aires: